Ahmed Echodo and Maiwada Adamu who allegedly misled the Police to raid the House of Deputy Senate President Ike Ekweremadu have been arraigned before a magistrate Court in Gudu, Abuja. The police accused the two men of conspiring to falsely inform the office of the inspector general of police (IGP) that Ekweremadu’s house located in Maitama Abuja is used for criminal activities. Speaking before the magistrate court, Echodo pleaded “not guilty” to the charge on Monday. Adamu was not present in court to take his plea. Umar Kagarko, the magistrate, ordered the police to find Adamu and present him at the court on the next sitting. The matter was adjourned till June 5 when the application for bail will be heard. Echodo was remanded in prison on the order of the judge. On Friday, the police raided the house of the deputy senate president but found nothing.