Hello teens,You have got some mail
Dear African Teen,
We are all unique in our own way, so do not let circumstances or anyone force you to change your dream, rather, work hard in unearthing your unique potential yourself.
Dear African Teen,
I always love to inspire you, to see you to take a cue from me and not give up on your dream not minding the circumstance, having you walk up to me and say “You inspired me to do this, I did this because you did it,” which is why I am so much inspired having this opportunity to talk to you directly. It is a great honour writing you the first of many letters you will be reading from great personalities every week courtesy of HEESA Foundation, I pray you make the most out of it.
The world keeps evolving and hence need human resources to match up with the challenges it presents, this is why every one of you must contribute to transforming our community for the better. Africa has been underserved, underprivileged and unfortunate for far too long, there is no more excuses for this. It is not enough to allow our expectations and sense of purpose evaporate because of our limited progress.
As a teenager I had reasons to give up on my dream but I chose to see myself as my own leader by putting up a bold front, being very optimistic, conquering and overcoming my challenges irrespective of my nature and other things surrounding my physical stature. I was able to set aside things that would bother or distract me and focus more on my goal. I may not have seen how far I would go but I believed something great was coming. That believe is what I am giving you.
Africa needs your talent and creativity injected into her system if we are serious of quitting being a Third World Continent. Your impact will go a long way in making big change in improving lives and creating opportunities for her people, revolutionize her education, put an end to her recycling mediocres in government and generate effective solutions to the numerous problems pledging her as we are the only ones who can find perfect solutions to her problems without depending on anyone or country to do it for us e.g. the Ebola case.
The objective of this letter is to lend you a voice, a voice with solutions to the ills you see, feel and require to be changed in your country. I have contributed and still contributing my own quota to the growth and development of Africa, it is time you start contributing yours by using your unique gifts and talents in adding value to her development.
Let’s make Africa great by showing the world what you can offer.
Yours Sincerely,
For: HEESA Foundation
Osita Iheme MFR
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